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The University of Central Florida

Educational QualityB- Faculty AccessibilityA+
Useful SchoolworkC Excess CompetitionB
Academic SuccessC+ Creativity/ InnovationC-
Individual ValueF University Resource UseA+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessD
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeB+
Surrounding CityA- Extra CurricularsA-
Describes the student body as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Individual Value

Faculty Accessibility
He cares more about Individual Value than the average student.
Date: Dec 07 2003
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
UCF, for the most part, is a nice school. The majority of the faculty are very nice, understanding, and easy to reach- sometimes going out of their way to help you out. Classes are nicely sized with most not exceeding 80, except the popular, required classes (ie, history, math, etc.) that can have upwards of 300+ students. The campus is very well kept and secure. Due to rapid growth, most of the buildings are brand new or are due to be remodeled or replaced which gives the school one of its nicknames: Under Construction Forever. However, the rest of the school leaves little to be desired. The support staff are EXTREMELY rude and treat you just like another number, rather than an intelligent being and are not that competent. Most hardly speak English. You will most likely have to go from office to office to try to accomplish anything while waiting in lines for 30 or more minutes. The university had me registered incorrectly as an international student, even after, supposedly, getting corrected and made several errors with my financial aid. Although the school has an Orlando address, it's not located directly within the city; more like 30 minutes away, so if you don't have a car, you're pretty much out of luck. Because of that, parking here is at a premium. Parking permits are reasonably cheap, however, finding a spot (you aren't assigned to a particular lot- all are open) can be tedious, especially during prime hours. The school has made temporary "sand lots" until more spaces can be constructed. Getting around town isn't exactly pleasant. Orlando only has 4 main highways, 3 of them toll roads so traffic on secondary, non-highway roads are horrible. Campus life is pretty much non-existant due to the commuter effect. If you live on campus, you're pretty much restricted to whatever activities your RA or community advisor plans. The majority of restaurants, clubs, and shopping are located 20+ minutes away. Although the education, aesthtic, and professor quality is very good, the hassle you'll receive from staff, traffic, and boredom (if you're on campus) isn't worth it all the time and effort.
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