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The University of California - Santa Cruz

Educational QualityC Faculty AccessibilityC
Useful SchoolworkB- Excess CompetitionB-
Academic SuccessB+ Creativity/ InnovationD+
Individual ValueB- University Resource UseC+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyB+ FriendlinessA-
Campus MaintenanceA- Social LifeC+
Surrounding CityD- Extra CurricularsF
Describes the student body as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >


Extra Curriculars

He cares more about Extra Curriculars than the average student.
Date: Mar 15 2017
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
UCSC was the only choice for me in terms of being the closest to my hometown. I came into UCSC hoping that I would get the college experience I expected. I was so so WRONG!! Yes, there are some parties and events happening every weekend but you need the connections. Social life is almost dead in between every college. Travelling from place to place is absolutely a burden especially on weekends. If you have no car, then good luck. The academics are alright but it's just that in general, the students have little to zero ambitions. I consider myself a very ambitious student and when I came here, I was completely astonished at how many students just don't care whether they pass a class or not. My friend and I took the same math class as a freshmen and she failed. I know it was a topic that shouldn't be mentioned but she kept on spreading news that she can just retake it for an A. NO that's not how it works.. The fact that you failed that class still remains there and affects the gpa. This is my first year but I am already getting the feeling that this school is actually depleting my life ambitions and motivation to advance in life. Clubs and sports are almost non-existent after the first club day. It is hard to get into a club after the first quarter. I completely despise this school. The only thing that this school may be known for is that this is the perfect asylum for anyone who aspires to be a true hippie and wants to seclude themselves from the real world. Santa Cruz students represent the lower tier of any type of school and I don't recommend you to even apply to this place. This place is truly a living hell and everyday, I conspire to leave this school for the sake of my future and my livelihood.
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